How can massage help?

Massage increases blood circulation and improves lymphatic fluid circulation in the body. 

In particular massage can:

*Reduce swelling

*Lower heart rate and blood pressure

*Reduce stress and anxiety

*Relieve muscle tension and improve muscle tone

*Reduce inflammation in joints and soft tissues

*Alleviate pain and stiffness and improve flexibility

Massage may also be of benefit if you suffer from certain conditions such as:

*Arthritis, *Asthma, *Back pain, *Gastrointestinal disorders, *Headaches, *Insomnia, *Joint strains and sprains, * Pregnancy related muscular aches & pains

REMEDIAL MASSAGE has a healing focus and aims to stretch muscles, inhibit/reduce muscle spasm, increase flexibility and break down scar tissue. It is used primarily in the treatment of chronic injuries and conditions affecting soft tissues and assists in rehabilitation.

RELAXATION MASSAGE is aimed at soothing and assisting in reduction of general stress and tension. All of us can benefit from taking time out of our busy lives and reconnecting with our body. The aim of a “relaxation” massage is to promote calmness and also to revitalize.

SPORTS/DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE  – whether professional or amateur, athletes require maintenance of their muscles, tendons and ligaments to ensure peak performance and  reduce the risk of injury. Sports massage is beneficial before and after training/events.